Monday, September 30, 2019

A Study of Market Segmentation for Uk Frozen Food Industry Essay

A Study Of Market Segmentation For UK Frozen Food Industry Abstract The objectives of this study are to perform market segmentation for a SME in the frozen food sector. The study could form a basis of segmentation framework for a SME like Eden Farm, the framework once developed from academic literature would help to undertake a market segmentation in the frozen food industry with relevant segmentation criteria which would form a basis of targeting strategy for the company. In this Dissertation, the literature on Market Segmentation is reviewed and relevant criteria for segmentation in an industry are understood. The typology from the literature identifying the variables for segmentation and relevant strategic tools for analysis of the sector is used to develop a framework for segmentation in the industry. The framework is applied to carry out a detailed segmentation of the markets for frozen food, an analysis is carried out to understand the target markets and strategic tools used to identify the target markets. Along with the segmentation of the markets, an analysis of the results is carried out and recommendations are provided for strategic growth of the company. Contents Abstract3 Acknowledgements3 Introduction3 Definition of the Company’s Issue3 Aims and Objectives of the Project:3 Literature Review:3 Review of Academic Literature for Segmentation:3 Market Segmentation:3 Definition of Market Segmentation:3 Segmentation Logic:3 The Segmenting-Targeting Framework:3 Segmentation Variables:3 Segmentation Criteria:3 Academic literature:3 Literature Review on segmentation in the food industry:3 Portfolio Analysis:3 Final Framework for addressing the Research Question:3 Research Methodology3 Research Objectives3 Research Approach:3 Research Strategy:3 Ethical Issues in Data collection3 Recommendations:3 Implementation Issues:3 Critical Reflection and Conclusion:3 Review of Work Process:3 Reflection and critical analysis of the process:3 Limitations of the process:3 Conclusion and discussion of results in an Academic context:3 Bibliography3 List of Tables Page Table 1 Detailed Breakdown of Frozen Food Products37 Table 2 Recommended Customers for EF49 Table 3. a Market Attractiveness for Segments49 Table 3. b Market Attractiveness for Segments50 Table 4 Business Competitiveness Scores for Various Segments50 List of Figures Page Figure 1Market Share for frozen food34 Figure 2Frozen food market share by manufacturers36 Figure3Frozen food market share by products36 Figure4Comparison of market shares of products37 Figure5Market trends for desserts38 Figure6Convenience store sales40 Figure7Convenience store market share40 Figure8Sales of Eden Farm by Market Segment41 Figure9Sales Trends in catering47 Figure10DPM Matrix49 Introduction The project report considers customer segmentation for the frozen food industry and evaluates the opportunities for targeted growth in the sector for Eden Farm, a UK based distributor of frozen food. The retail food industry is dynamic in nature and is very competitive for the distributors. However, growth opportunities exist in the sector when a thorough analysis is carried out and the targeted segments are evaluated. Hence, the study identifies growth strategies in the sector by using segmentation framewor k and relevant analysis. Definition of the Company’s Issue Eden Farm is a distributor of frozen food and ice cream across UK with a strong base in the North East and Yorkshire. The company’s prospect market is wholesale, cash and carry, symbol groups, CTN’s, forecourts, independent supermarkets. At the moment, the company is trying to increase its market presence in various sub sectors of the market. The frozen food retail is represented by many sub sectors and is composed of many market players. The business on the whole is variable across sectors and the levels of risk and opportunities for each sub sector and product is variable in nature.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

New York Incineration Case Study

The way in which New York City (NYC) manages its waste is dominantly based upon landfill. Though this is not the best solution is sparks controversy throughout Staten Island where the waste is ‘dumped' as many claim. Why is this so? NYC has a problem with managing its waste as NYC alone creates 26,000 tons of waste per day half of which is commercial and the remainder is residential. Nevertheless, private companies collect commercial waste leaving residential waste to NYC's department of Sanitation. The sole destination for 13,000tons of residential waste is the Fresh Kills Landfill on Staten Island. The highest mound is 180feet high, twenty inches higher than the statue of liberty! The Fresh Kills Landfill site on the Western side of The Staten Island is the -only- landfill site that remains open. It has served NYC for over half a century it was due to close on the 31st December 2001. It received 12-14,000 tons of solid household waste per day, by a barge from four other boroughs. The key problem with it is that it only has 5% of the city's population and on top of that it is the smallest place. Though not everything about Staten Island is a negative; this could be because the garbage industry provides economic development, jobs and increased spending power follow. To operate the landfill site requires 500 employees whose jobs range from crane and tractor operators to chemists and geologists. Although the daily volume of waste is high there has been a decrease in waste; it has fallen from 21,200tons per day in 1986 to 13,000tons per day in 1995. You can read also Costco Case Study Fresh Kills Landfill site attempts every precaution to ensure that it is environmentally friendly. It does it by following these simple steps: > Monitoring System – Allows checks to be made of the build-up of the landfill gas, as well as the effects of operation on ground and surface water supplies. And landfill slope stability is examined regularly. > Litter Prevention – The barges are covered with nets during transport, while booms contain litter around the waters of the landfill site. Fences around the perimeter of the operation have the same effect on the island. > Landscaping – Ecologists are working to introduce native plant varieties tolerant of the conditions in an attempt to establish the area as a wildlife habitat. > Leachate Treatment Plant – To prevent percolating rainwater from becoming contaminated the plant removes pollutants prior to the water being returned to the waterways. > Construction Debris Recycling Area – Processes 750tons per day of debris, e.g. concrete, asphalt and soil. Steel is extracted from the process and sold for recycling. The product is used to construct the roads throughout the landfill site. > Composting Facility – Garden waste is collected and turned into compost. It is used in the landscaping process around the site. It is also made available to the public free of charge. > Landfill Gas Recovery – Consisting of primarily methane and carbon dioxide, landfill gas is collected and customized at the facility onsite. The methane is purified into pipeline quality gas, which is then sold to a local company. Nevertheless space is limited and a two decade estimate has been put on the Fresh Kills site meaning that a more long-term approach to wasted handling will have to be in effect. Managing waste in the future In spite of predictions in 1996 that the Fresh Kills Landfill site could operate for another two decades, Mayor Guiliani announced the closure of the site in 2001. He proposed that there had to be a new approach in dealing with the City's waste, and he publicised the creation of a task force on the Fresh Kills closure. Five recommendations were put forward: * Increasing Recycling * Promoting waste reduction * Encouraging waste prevention * Refusing the exportation of waste elsewhere * Supporting education about waste and recycling Now there is a recycling drive throughout the City which now means that every household is part of the Curbside Program, where waste for recycling is collected from the roadside. A contracted was negotiated with Visy Paper (NY) Inc., who constructed and now operates a $150million recycled paper mill on Staten Island. It is the largest manufacturing project in NYC in 50years. It employed 1,000people during construction and now has a labour force of 115. Also, NYC's mayor has pledged to not build or renovate any incinerators in the city. But then again, there are still problems because what is proposed of the commercial waste which accounts for the other half? After 2001, it will be recycling waste prevention and waste reduction schemes as good as they all may be, is it really probable that they will be able to ‘absorb' 13,000tons of waste on a daily basis? One person who is not convinced is the state Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge. Garbage Importers & Exporters The state of Virginia is a number two importer after Pennsylvania, with NYC accounting for 60% of Virginia's imports. A survey by Virginia Commonwealth University found that 87% of people were keen to limit garbage imports with only 9% opposing. Mainly the ones opposing argued that there would be a loss of revenue and would hurt communities where garbage is a big business. With imports totalling 4million tons per year there is hardly†¦

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Personal Manifesto on Success and Happiness Essay

A Personal Manifesto on Success and Happiness - Essay Example The essay "A Personal Manifesto on Success and Happiness" talks about the responsibilities that one needs to fulfill once the body and mind are able to since work is needed so that a person is able to obtain the necessities needed in the world. Not everybody is born with a silver spoon in the mouth. Work is often perceived as a product of modern life. The work known during the past few decades are far more different than the work introduced and during the earlier centuries. Work in the late 20th context is often concluded into giving up freedom and serenity. When one is said to be at work, one can be concluded to be both stressed and worn down. This should not be the case. Work should be the foundation of fulfillment and the workplace should be a place not just to learn but also to enjoy. Just like how the world was created according to the Bible, even if God was doing so many things for consecutive days still he needed time to rest. Humans are made in the image of God, therefore, re st is also needed. It is not just the body that needs rest but also the mind. Often, the day of rest is consumed by enjoying the fruits of hard labor though the labor that is known in present days is not the same work that was done by man’s forefathers. As man continues to progress, the definition and connotation of the word work also evolve. One, however, should make it a point not to make boredom or sacrifice words that go with it. Though the man was created to work, it does not necessarily mean that one should die of work.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critically discuss the key concepts in Conduct that explain our agency Essay

Critically discuss the key concepts in Conduct that explain our agency in social worlds - Essay Example In these social interactions, we usually have the concept of â€Å"conduct† wherein we do activities in a manner that is acceptable to the surrounding environment where we are and these activities should be understandable considering the individuals who will be affected by the action. â€Å"Conduct† is greatly influenced by agency. In this paper, we will critically discuss the key concepts in conduct that explain our agency in social worlds. Agency, in the social sciences, refers to the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. For example, given a situation wherein there is a rape victim and a doctor. A decision of the doctor is needed whether the raped victim is allowed to have an abortion or not. We all know that abortion is not universally accepted because of difference in the concept of morality. We must all consider that one's agency is one's independent capability or ability to act on one's will. Although independent, this a bility is greatly influenced by the cognitive belief structure of the individual. ... Disagreement on the extent of one's agency with others and even the society often causes conflict between parties. Conduct can be defined in many ways. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) even has considered several definitions for the word â€Å"conduct†. It can refer to the action or manner of conducting, directing, managing or carrying on any actions or activities like business, performance, process and course. It is related to the ways in which an organization, social activity or process is assembles, carried out, managed and regulated. For example, the manner in which a speech for the declaration of independence of a colonized country is done. For this social activity to be successfully done, we should consider a lot of things. First of all, the person who will do the speech should be a reliable speaker. That person should be known as an advocate of freedom, since it is an independence speech. The content of the speech should be concise yet fruitful. Every word should hav e a great impact to its audience. In relation to this, the audience should also be taken into consideration. The speech should be appropriate to the audience or else it will only produce conflicts and the message of the speech would not be efficiently conveyed. Hence, there are many considerations to look into for a certain social activity to be â€Å"conducted†. The individual’s agency should also be considered whenever â€Å"conducting† a certain social activity or process. The agency should be suitable to the objective of the conduct. The word â€Å"conduct† can also be seen in the perspective of behavior wherein it refers as the manner of conducting oneself or one’s life usually with influence of moral quality.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Information System in Tesco Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Information System in Tesco - Case Study Example In addition it operates 39 stores in China, 111 in Japan, 13 in Malaysia, 62 in South Korea, 6 in Taiwan, 219 in Thailand, 35 in Czech Republic, 87 in Hungary, 105 in Poland, 91 in Republic of Ireland, 37 in Slovakia and 8 in Turkey. (Tesco Annual Review, 2006). It therefore operates round the clock which demonstrates its commitment to create customer value which in turn generates superior value for its shareholders. Tesco denotes its success to an aggressive global strategy of geographical diversification, product differentiation, cost focus and it use of umbrella branding. In its attempt to renew the brand and keep it in sync with changing customer tastes, Tesco follows various strategies including international diversification, providing value to customers, product diversification, innovation, acquisition and umbrella branding. In the context of today's global competition, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007). These researchers further argue that, this strategy is now quite common in many businesses including the retail chain stores. In the retail chain stores, the conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien 2007). In the present state of events, information and information systems are increasingly being used as many corporations as a competitive and strategic weapon. It helps organization such as Tesco to be a goal getter, as it redefines, their activities in terms of cost and time. Information systems help Tesco to adapt and be at the forefront of new product development and change. The management of Tesco by incorporating information and information systems have improved and increase on the processes, improving current operation efficiency and turning it into a competitive advantage. Through Tesco information and information systems, suppliers are interconnected through an electronic data interphase to develop strategic, administrative and operational planning. 2.0 Tesco Environmental Analysis LAYOUT OF THE PESTEL FRAMEWORK According to Johnson et. al (2005), the PESTEL framework can only be used to look at the future

Analysis of Slavery and the Genesis of American Race Prejudice Article Essay

Analysis of Slavery and the Genesis of American Race Prejudice Article - Essay Example Degler states that, â€Å"†¦ the status of the Negro in the English colonies was worked out in a framework of discrimination; that from the outset, as far as the available evidence tells us, the negro was treated inferior to the white man’s servant of the free man† (Degler 52). Degler in this statement puts a halt to the discussion on what came first between slavery and discrimination and asserts that slavery evolved from the continued discrimination of the Negro by the white man, partly because there were no structures to protect Negros in America. Consequently, slavery evolved as a legal status and an epitome to discrimination. Degler seeks to differentiate the difference in the treatment of Negros in the Spanish and Portuguese Iberian region to that of the British. He explains that the major differences were that while the former had already fixed legal status to deal with the Negro even before they ventured into America, the same structures lacked in British te rritories. Secondly, Degler explains that â€Å"the discrimination against the negro antedated the legal status of slavery† (Degler 52). These were the main facts that differentiated British treatment of the Negros from the Spanish and the Portuguese. Degler in his argument makes a clear statement that slavery in the North American region left a considerably different mark on the status of Negros compared to the South American region, which according to Degler explains the current cases of racism in America. Degler asserts that as Handlin asserted, before the seventeenth century, the term slavery was not in use. However, Degler is fast to clarify that the fact that the discriminatory name did not exist does not indicate there was similar treatment between the Negro and the freeman.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Can Blockbuster Stand up to Netflix Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Can Blockbuster Stand up to Netflix - Article Example These forces have mostly come from the competition provided by illegal downloads of movies in local markets and the pirated copies of films available in foreign markets but most importantly Blockbuster faces competition from a company called Netflix. Instead of using local distribution channels, Netflix uses an online storefront which means that they have reduced their distribution costs to a great extent. Netflix has used a technological solution to give itself the first mover advantage forcing Blockbuster to play the catch-up game (Epstein, 2006). Â  As the latest information available from Blockbuster, the company is venturing into online rentals for films and allowing the distribution of media material from online sources such as websites and even in-store kiosks to locate older films (Blockbuster, 2006). However, this may be a case of too little too late since Netflix is already offering their clients the same services. Blockbuster tried to compete with Netflix on price but the running costs of having stores across America and the human resource cost of maintaining those stores means that Blockbuster will always find it difficult to compete solely on the price model. Â  It does not seem that Blockbuster has a good future since analysts from both the business world and the Hollywood entertainment industry consider it to be little more than a zombie about to be killed by modern distribution methods (Epstein, 2006). However, Blockbuster does have an established name in the rental business and it is still a place where individuals can see the choices they have rather than to scroll through the choices.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Total Quality Management - Essay Example This paper will show some of the main key points as derived from some of the chapters. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an extensive and organized methodology to authoritative administration that looks to enhance the nature of items and administrations through continuous refinements because of consistent reaction. Quality as an absolute means that in everything that we do we must put quality in it o achieve maximum results. When Dr. Edward came up with the concept it was in the aim of improving educational standards. According to Salis (2002), the word quality has lots of conflicting and unclear meanings. This has been occasioned because the word quality can be used as both an absolute and as a relative concept. In conversations quality is used as an absolute and is referred to as part of nature. Absolute quality can not be compromised or traded for something else. Quality is a concept with class and it’s not available to every one but everyone wants it. In technical scene, quality is largely a relative concept. In this sense its definition changes to an attribute of a product or a service. We often say the quality of an easy varies from good to excellent. There is a philosophy that a quality product depicts the ideology of equality, in the sense that you get what you pay for. In education is hard to say who will determine the quality of education. This brings in the role of the consumer in quality. The consumer of the product can answer the question of quality. Education wise, the consumer will gauge the quality of education by the exams that they partake and pass. It is up to the consumer and collage to come up with management policies that will ensure quality in the products they are supplying in the class. Applying the TQM in the collage can improve the quality of education in a great way. SWOT analysis is an integral routine toll for calculated development in education and still is the number one means of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Do shops portray Christian Christmas festivity or perpetuate a Essay

Do shops portray Christian Christmas festivity or perpetuate a commercial tradition - Essay Example The messages are everywhere, creating a world that is transformed for a few months of every year. However, in looking around at the many ways in which the world does transform during this time of year, one can see that a fantasy world is created within the many delightful ways in which the decor in retail, residential, and businesses is changed to reflect imagery of everything from Father Christmas to snow fairies. The use of color becomes more extravagant, the explosion of glittering ornamentation becomes rich and vibrant with color combinations being bold and celebratory. Lights are twinkling everywhere one looks and the world becomes transformed into a winter fantasy in which no dream of interior or exterior decorating needs to be edited or toned down in order to be appropriate. One of the most wonderful aspects of this season is the many window displays that are seen in shops and department stores, some advertising their wares, where others are defined by an artistic sensibility that defies extravagance. Some types of window display advertising is intended to highlight consumer goods, while others are intended to draw people in and communicate a different sort of aesthetic through invention and creativity. The window displays that are available for view during the Christmas season are some of the most wonderful examples of interior landscaping that can be seen throughout the year Christmas and Culture To understand the way in which Christmas affects people, it is imperative to look at the event from an anthropological perspective. Most academic fields have opinions on the rituals that constitute the Christmas season. The field of psychology allows for researchers to make observations on behaviour in order to explain crucial elements of the relationships that people share with one another. The seasonal rituals create a language that can be opened up and interpreted for the ways in which we communicate emotions during that time of year. The spending habits du ring this time of year, however, is of most interest to anthropologists as they study the ways in which people paradoxically complain about the commercialism of Christmas while participating in the extravagances of the season. According to Highfield, in the United States Christmas purchases equal approximately one sixth of all retail business, while in the U.K. gift purchases equal approximately eight percent of the economy is devoted to producing items for Christmas gift giving. It has been determined that approximately four percent of the income in the U.K. is spent on Christmas (30). People spend their money during this time of year in order to reap the rewards of the hopes they have for their relationships with others. Whether those hopes are realized or not, those hopes are fueled and sustained through the advertising that suggests that certain responses will occur when spending habits are turned towards their products. This type of advertising promotes the agenda of retail env ironments so that the perpetuation of Christmas spending allows for economic benefit to the economy. The stimulus that is provided by Christmas spending is a good thing, an advantage that should not be held in a paradox of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Types of dementia and common signs and symptoms Essay Example for Free

Types of dementia and common signs and symptoms Essay The term ‘dementia’ describes a set of symptoms which can include loss of memory, mood changes and problems with communication and reasoning. These symptoms occur when the brain is damaged by certain conditions and diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. †¨Age is the greatest risk factor for dementia. Dementia affects one in 14 people over the age of 65 and one in six over the age of 80. However, dementia is not restricted to older people: in the UK, there are over 17,000 people under the age of 65 with dementia, although this figure is likely to be an underestimate. Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease affects around 496,000 people in the United Kingdom and is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is a physical disease which affects the brain. It was first described by a German neurologist, Alois Alzheimer. During the course of the disease, protein plaques and tangles develop in the structure of the brain, leading to the death of brain cells. People with Alzheimer’s also have a shortage of some important chemicals in their brain which are involved with the transmission of messages. †¨Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, meaning that over time more parts of the brain are damaged. As this happens, the symptoms become more severe. †¨People in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease may experience lapses of memory and have problems finding the right words. As the disease progresses, some symptoms that a person may experience are: Confusion; frequently forgetting the names of people, places, appointments and recent events. Mood swings; feeling sad or angry, or scared and frustrated by their increasing memory loss. Withdrawal; due to either a loss of confidence or communication problems. Difficulty when carrying out everyday activities; a person with Alzheimer’s may get muddled checking their change at the shops or become unsure how to work the television remote. So far, no one single factor has been identified as a cause for Alzheimers disease. It is likely that a combination of factors including  age, genetic inheritance, environmental factors, lifestyle and overall general health, are responsible. In some people, the disease may develop silently for many years before symptoms appear. Vascular Dementia Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. It is caused by problems in the supply of blood to the brain. Brain cells need a good supply of blood in order to be healthy and function properly. Blood is delivered through a network of blood vessels called the vascular system. If the vascular system within the brain becomes damaged and blood cannot reach the brain cells, the cells will eventually die. This can lead to the onset of vascular dementia. †¨Factors that can increase a person’s risk of developing vascular dementia include: A medical history of stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes (particularly type II), heart problems or sleep apnoea (where breathing stops for a few seconds or minutes during sleep). A lack of physical activity, drinking more that recommended levels of alcohol, smoking, eating a fatty diet or leaving conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes untreated. A family history of stroke or cardiovascular disease. An Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani or Sri Lankan ethnic background as differences in vascular risk factors (such as heart disease) in these communities may contribute to the increased risk. An African-Caribbean ethnic background. There are different types of vascular dementia: Stroke-related dementia, sub-cortical vascular dementia and mixed dementia (vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease). The difference between these types depends on what has caused the damage in the brain and which part of the brain has been damaged.†¨Common signs and symptoms of vascular dementia may include: Problems with speed of thinking, concentration and communication. Depression and anxiety accompanying the dementia. Symptoms of a stroke, such as physical weakness or paralysis. Seizures. Periods of severe confusion. Visual mistakes and misperceptions (for example, seeing a rug as a pond). Changes in behaviour (for example, restlessness). Difficulties with walking and unsteadiness. Hallucinations and delusions. Problems with continence. Psychological symptoms such as becoming more obsessive. Dementia with Lewy Bodies Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a form of dementia which shares characteristics with both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It accounts for around 10% of all cases of dementia in older people and tends to be under-diagnosed. †¨Named after the doctor who first identified them in 1912, Lewy bodies are tiny, spherical protein deposits found in nerve cells. Their presence in the brain disrupts the brain’s normal functioning, interrupting the action of important chemical messengers. Lewy bodies are also found in the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurological disease that affects movement. †¨Dementia with Lewy bodies is also a progressive disease, which means that over time the symptoms will become worse. DLB progresses at about the same rate as Alzheimer’s disease, typically over several years. Symptoms of DLB can include: Problems with attention and alertness, often have spatial disorientation and experience difficulty with ‘executive function’, which includes difficulty in planning ahead and co-ordination mental activities. Memory is affected, although it is typically less so than in Alzheimer’s disease. Slowness. muscle stiffness. trembling of the limbs, a tendency to shuffle when walking, loss of facial expression and changes in the strength and tone of the voice. Experience detailed and convincing visual hallucinations, often of people or animals. Find that their abilities fluctuate daily or hourly. Fall asleep very easily by day, and have restless, disturbed nights with confusion, nightmares and hallucinations. Faint, fall or have ‘funny turns’. Researchers have yet to understand fully why Lewy bodies occur in the brain and how they cause damage. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) is a rare form of dementia. Rarer forms of dementia account for around only 5% of all dementia cases in the UK. †¨CJD is caused by an infection protein in the brain called a prion. These prions accumulate at high levels in the brain and cause irreversible damage to nerve cells. There are four main types of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: Sporadic CJD, variant CJD, familial or inherited CJD and iatrogenic CJD. Sporadic CJD, which normally affects people over 40, is the most common form of the disease. It is estimated that the disease affects about one out of every 1 million people every year. There may be many years between a person being infected and the development of symptoms. Symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease include: Loss of intellect and memory. Change in personality. Loss of balance and co-ordination. Slurred speech. Visual problems and blindness. Abnormal jerking movements. Progressive loss of brain function and mobility. Most people with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease will die within a year of the symptoms starting, usually from infection. This is because the immobility caused by the disease can make people with the condition vulnerable to infection.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reality In The Movie Mulholland Drive Film Studies Essay

Reality In The Movie Mulholland Drive Film Studies Essay In order to write this paper, I have looked for several definitions of reality, and I rapidly got confused among all the meanings, the perceptions and the concepts around it. However, for the purpose of my analysis of David Lynchs movie Mulholland Drive, I picked the following one: The first part can be seen as a dream that has some ingredients of the typical Hollywood movie with suspense, drama and musicals: this dream is an attempt of the protagonist (Betty/Naomi Watts) to delete from her memory, or to delete from her reality, what happened to her in her Real Hollywood experience in order to become an actress (how Diane/Naomi Watts wishes her life could have been). The second part is dark, almost desperate, and can be seen as an expression of the sublime through which the spectator falls into the Real part of the movie. In this second chapter, Diane remembers all her failures through the character of her ex-lover (Camilla), falls into depression and paranoia that will lead her to commit suicide. Going back to Lacan, the first part of the movie refers to the Imaginary register and is characterized by a abundance of enigmatic events and mysterious signs (a man with a monstrous face behind Winkies restaurant, body of a dead woman lying on her bed, a small blue box, etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) that are here to maintain a certain suspense in the story but they also show us abnormalities and deficiencies. These signs can be seen as sublime objects that underline the lack of Real. And when, at the end of the first part, Betty and Rita manage to open the mysterious blue box, the spectator thinks he is close to discover the truth about the whole story, but there is only there is emptiness. However, this emptiness is meaningful: it brings us to the Real, which breaks with the first part of the movie. Therefore, the second part of the movie starts and several things becomes clearer. The monster behind Winkies restaurant is a premonitory sign of Rita/Camilla murderer (command by Betty/Diane in the same restaurant), the dead body lying in the bed is the one of Diana after she committed suicide (when Betty saw the body in the first part in the apartment, it was an anticipation of her own death), etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ An interesting scene that announces this rupture between the Imaginary and the Real in Mulholland Drive is the one that takes place in the cabaret Silencio: this scene announces the end of the first part and the imminent end of Bettys dream in a very brutal way. The magician in the cabaret warns us that everything is illusion and the song interpretation (playback) by Rebekah del Rio comes like a reminder to reality. The song, Llorando treats about an unhappy love story (Diane and Camilla?). Before the end of the song, Rebekah del Rio falls and faints, that can be seen as the death of Camilla. Betty and Rita cry while listening to that song, like they knew that the dream was about to end. Rita cries like she sensed that she was about to be Camilla again, and go back to the kingdom of the dead where Diane sent her. Betty shakes and cries like she sensed she was about to be Diane again, a woman distorted by pain trying to forget she made kill the woman she loved, before committing suici de. On the topic of the perception of reality, philosopher, John Searle asserted that: The thesis that there is a reality independent of our representations identifies not how things are in fact, but rather identifies a space of possibilities External realism articulates a space of possibilities for a very large number of statements. Into just such a space, a dual scenario film like Mulholland Drive can emerge. Both parts of Mulholland Drive make use of key aspects of fundamental ontology people, places, events, and reinterprets their external reality through the lens of Dianes subjective reality. While youre watching Mulholland Drive, both of its parallel narratives seem equally plausible, but its only after stepping back from them at the completion of the film that you realise that they are in fact two subjective statements on external reality paradoxically related, and indicative of the ability that we all have to place broad interpretations on real life events. Mulholland Drive effectively provides both a commentary on the nature of subjective reality as its depicted on film, and as we experience it in real life. Mulholland drive is also about interpretation of the Real. Nietzsche wrote that there are no facts, only interpretations. With a Hollywood background, Lynch first exposes us to the fake, the doubt, the part of belief and mirages and then awakes the conscience of his characters and his spectators. Nietzsche also thought that there was no absolute distinction between dreaming and waking consciousness. This is applied to Mulholland Drive on different levels. First, it forces the spectator to challenge himself intellectually and see the movie several times if he is willing to think about it and understands its mysteries. Second, that we can conceive most of the film as a dreamed interpretation of a reality that is only revealed the last half an hour. Third, the movie as a whole is an interpretation of the dream/reality and finally if we try to analyze, psychoanalytically, the dream itself not only as a reconstructed fantasy of the Real but also as the expression of an impulsive world.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Reality of Ethan Brands Unpardonable Sin :: Ethan Brand Essays

The Reality of Ethan Brand's Unpardonable Sin The relentless obsession of one man becomes the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne's haunting tale, "Ethan Brand." A lime-burner by trade in the hills of Western Massachusetts, Brand passes the lonely hours of the night staring into the intense flames of the kiln, contemplating the theological doctrine of the unpardonable sin. What sin could be so totally evil that even the great God of Heaven could not forgive? I remember as a child, listening to my father, as he stood in the pulpit and expounded to his congregation the very same subject that had so totally mesmerized Hawthorne's character, Ethan Brand. I remember the many questions I had about this horrible sin. What was it? Could I commit the unpardonable sin? Maybe I already had. That was the most disturbing of all. It seems that literary critic R. P. Blackmur has experienced something of the same when he writes: I do not know how it may be now, but when I was a boy the unpardonable sin, the unforgivable sin, or--as I was taught in church, the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost--was a major though intermittent attraction in the short times that seem so long just before sleep. It was a frightening possibility that I might find what it was and how to do it: the frightening thing was that I might then have to do it, as if discovery was actual commission of the sin. The verse in St. Mark (3:19) contained as much potential horror as anything I have ever when I read "Ethan Brand" I knew where he was....(179). Since that time, I have taken my place in the pulpit of a church like my father before me. And on occasion, I too address the subject and receive the same questions that I, and others like me, pondered so long ago: the very same question that haunts, possesses, and ultimately ruins Ethan Brand. Driven by his insatiable desire to uncover the deep truth of this frightening possibility, Ethan Brand left his lonely lime kiln on a quest, a quest that would send him the world over in search of the unpardonable sin. For eighteen years he studied and researched the idea that slowly took him over. When his search began, Brand was a kind and gentle man concerned for the well-being of others. The narrator describes him as .

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Victorian Language Essay examples -- Victorian Era

Victorian Language The fact of the matter: â€Å"Nobody speaks at all like the characters in any novel, play or film. Life would be intolerable if they did; and novels, plays or films would be intolerable if the characters spoke as people do in life† (Abercrombie 1965). So what was the real way of speech? Fiction was generally thought to be an accurate portrayal of reality; â€Å"true life† (Chapman 1). It was unfavorable if it stressed credulity too far. Therefore, fiction is our main source of information; it is our main source to the reality of speech for the Victorians. Greater mobility and expansion of communication of the Victorian era brought together regional groups, thus increasing the complexity of the variations in the English language. Consequently, pronunciation evolved as an indicator of social prestige (Chapman 6-8). Two categories of speech developed: Standard and Non-Standard speech. Formation of Standard Speech vs. Non-Standard Speech The Education Act of 1870 established the school as a ‘melting pot’ for upper and middle class children and the speech boundary had to be resolved. Thus a uniform accent (Standard speech) was created and pupils who refused to accept this new accent or who could not adapt to this new way of speech were severely punished. Peer pressure was also an issue because the new boy would have to adapt to the new form of speech in order for his peers to accept him or to merely avoid bullies (Chapman 12). Non-Standard Speech This type of speech was also synonymous with lower class slang, â€Å"cockney† or the way in which the ‘uneducated’ communicated, specific to the East End (Chapman 19). The infamous â€Å"cockney† was native to the East End, as remains today. Cockney dialect allowed spelling and ... ... word ‘affidavit,’ yet Rogue Riderhood mispronounces it as an â€Å"Alfred David† (Dickens 12). Therefore, language in the Victorian era was important in ranking members of classes and occupations. Language had the potential to assess and reflect upon one’s regional, educational, occupational and family background. The distinctions in speech amongst three different social ranks are evident in the following excerpt from an adaptation of Elizabeth Gaskell’s North and South. Episode 1, Clip 3. Works Cited Chapman, Raymond. Forms of Speech in Victorian Fiction. New York: Longman, 1994. Dickens, Charles. Our Mutual Friend. 1865. Introduction and notes Adrian Poole. New York: Penguin, 1997. Phillipps, K.C. Language and Class in Victorian England. Ed. David Crystal. New York: Basil Blackwell Inc, 1984.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay -- Ethical Issues, Lesbian or Gay Parents

Same sex marriage is already taboo, but same sex couples raising children is mostly not considered acceptable by the public because of the misconception that they are not qualified to bring up children in accordance with proper social values. The public is not certain if children will receive proper education about society and behavior to fit in as responsible members. However, several recent movements, such as Feminism and Post-modernism, argue about equal rights for everybody. Feminism is mainly concerned about the equality of men and women in society while Post-modernism is mainly concerned with ending all forms of discrimination in society. Feminism is actually a subdivision of Post-modernism because Post-modernism is against all discriminations while Feminism specializes in pointing out women's rights in the society and the equal status of women and men. Among other things, both ideologies re-evaluate the meaning of love and marriage in modern society. Besides the social movemen ts, several scientific research was made regarding children who grow up in same sex marriages. Children raised in a same sex marriage share the same core values with the society, maybe even higher because they never learned about sexual discrimination in their home, and the only reason why they are restrained is because of the public opinion on these situations. In accordance with scientific research, the American Psychological Association (APA) claims that there are should be no concerns with same sex marriages. It is not just a violation of privacy and an act of discrimination against other people, but there are also no scientific basis which prove that it contributes to an improper development of children. Fears about children of lesbian or gay p... ...ation because same sex marriage is something people are used to and they will retain their opinion that it is the only way to provide a person with a normal childhood, even though this marriage might not be happy or might not last. On the other hand, a child will feel better growing up with a same sex couple instead of growing up alone. The main things Post-modernism and Feminism are re-questioning in the modern society, love and marriage, are the most important things a child can look up to when growing up. If there is no love in a regular marriage, this marriage cannot provide a decent environment for a child's upbringing. However, if a same sex marriage provides a loving environment for the child, it should not be discriminated against, but rather encouraged to contribute to the harmonious development of a child without sexual or any other forms of prejudice.

Internship Experience for an ESL Teacher Essay

As a foreign student with a degree in Informatics and Library and currently pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Pennsylvania in Adult and Community Education Program, I have a vision of teaching English as a second language in Saudi Arabia. To this effect, I have been on an internship project at the Communications Media department at the same university between January and March this year. The main purpose for the internship was to give me an exposure to the kind of environment I will find myself working in as an ESL teacher. ESL is a course that is offered to people who wish to learn English as a second language. Thesis Statement For my internship, I was attached at the Communication Department at the University of Pennsylvania where my duties included but were but not limited to coordinating activities between students taking English as a Second Language (ESL) and conversation partners at the American Language Institute. Also in the line of my duty was the task of overseeing how the two groups have been progressing together. The internship was time well spent and it played a very important role in familiarising me with the classroom set up at an ESL teaching centre. I also had the opportunity to learn much about the job and what it entails as well as the kind of challenges that I may encounter in the course of my career. Taking my internship course at University of Pennsylvania was the most convenient choice that I made. The communications Media Department where I was attached is right on the campus and I was therefore able to operate from my residence without any hustles of commuting from one place to another. It was also convenient in that I was able to coordinate between my classes at the Adult Community Program centre and the training on the internship. The convenience made life a little more comfortable for me because of reduced costs of transport. The internship kept me in good relations with the law because being in one place helped me avoid any instances of breaking immigration rules set for foreign students. The convenience of having all my activities centralised on Campus has played well in helping me to develop my social skills. This is because it has been easy to have extra interaction with some of the students when the opportunity allowed and as a teacher, this was very helpful in that I could closely get to know more about the challenges that ESL students face in their social life as foreign students. Since we were all from different social backgrounds, the interaction helped to improve my social relations with others considering the diversity of culture represented in the ESL class. A close bond between teacher and student is very important as it helps students to learn better and also helps the teacher to improve their skills. Knowing students a little bit more beyond the classroom set up is very important for teacher-student relations. Interaction with the volunteers from the American Language Institute helped me learn more about American society. With these two groups, I was able to share my challenges as a foreign student in America and also listen to theirs and suggest possible solutions. This helped learning easier and more interesting for the students. The sole purpose of learning an extra language is to aid the learner in communicating easily through the desired language. Despite the fact that I speak the English language, the experience I got from the internship greatly helped to improve my skills in conversing with others. The interaction I had with the students as well as the volunteers in the ESL learning programme exposed me to those who were learning and others who were there to assist in learning. It was a learning experience for me as I was able to improve on my fluency and using correct grammar when conversing in the English language. By identifying the students’ challenges in learning to converse in English, I was able to polish my own language especially in using of proper tenses, right statements and remarks. The ESL program brings together people from different cultural backgrounds. Students come here with the aim of learning English that will help them to adapt to their new environment and they are helped through this process by communication partners. Through interaction with this group at the ESL program, I got exposed to a diversity of cultures and it was interesting to get to learn about different cultures and practises of the world. It is interesting to note how the world can meet in such a small set up as a classroom. This knowledge is very important for me in my pursuit of a career in ESL teaching as it will help me adopt to any new culture that I may be exposed to. Objectives were set to enable me achieve the goals of the internship. They were supposed to guide me in carrying out activities that internship period. This would enable me acquire knowledge and skills that are required for one to become an effective ESL student’s teacher. The experience would give me an opportunity to give my suggestions and ideas in order to improve students teaching techniques and materials. In this essay, there will be a reflection on the meaning of the internship experience for my intellectual development and career planning. The internship experience was necessary in equipping me with new learning. It would offer me knowledge and skills required in future teaching work with the language students. Suggestions and ideas that can improve teaching techniques and materials for the students would contribute in achieving my new learning objective. Engaging volunteers achieved this in sessions on curriculum and teaching methods, recommending improvements in class handling discussing organizational concerns with volunteers, drafting lesson plans and evaluating them and discussing educational techniques with volunteers. My objective to teach volunteers on how to interact with English was achieved by carrying out the following activities; directing English lessons in the classroom, engaging the volunteers on curriculum and teaching methods, evaluating their performances and recommending necessary changes in class. The assignments that were offered to the students is a sure evidence that this objective was attained. Creating organizational system to allow educators to organize volunteer schedules and paper work effectively was enhanced by meeting and discussing organizational concerns with the volunteers, organizing schedules to avoid confusion, handling volunteer and class paper work and documentation as well as getting program feedback from the student Creating lesson plans for the volunteer teachers was achieved by; drafting lesson plans for teaching, adapting the teachers according to the class needs, discussing the quality of lesson plans and suggesting their changes, incorporating volunteer opinions in final lesson plans and finally implementing the lesson plan. I managed to work with the students and volunteers of presentation materials, decided upon educational techniques and ensured students follow guidelines in presentation. This assisted me in acquiring skills in creating presentation materials. As a teacher, I accommodated a certain number of students when my time allowed, graded and encouraged students and understanding the students’ need. The current challenges and problems in the classroom were discussed with fellow teachers. This in turn, ensured the students were taught as require by the instruction formal program. Additionally, experience at the ESL classes helped me to learn about other methods used in communicating apart from mouth language. These other methods are important in that as a teacher, knowledge of different methods of communication helps one to assess whether you are communicating fully or as desired by the students. Such methods include but are not limited to using parts of the body to express ourselves or gesturing and also the use of facial expressions. It was interesting to learn that a lot of communication can take place through non-verbal methods. At the end of the internship, I had developed a lot of confidence in conversing with students, being able to interact freely and easily with them as well as understanding diverse cultures and the styles they used to converse non-verbally in the different cultures. My internship was even more helpful as a master’s student in the Adult Education and Community programme. There was much more to learn from the experience at the ESL classes than I had earlier imagined. Interacting with students and volunteers from different cultures of the world helped me to grow as a person as well as to acquire intellectual improvement. I got exposed to diversity of cultures at very close range, something I had not encountered before and after such an experience, it becomes easy to be able to teach English anywhere in the world. This is because of the ability that I have gained to assess student issues anywhere. The ESL students mostly constitute of foreigners who wish to learn English so that they can be able to adapt to their new environments. Such students obviously encounter several challenges in the process of their resettlement and my experience with them enlightened me on ways in which I can be able to evaluate and understand their problems and the approach I can take in helping them to settle such problems. The ESL classes also constitute of people of different ages and as a future adult teacher, the internship has offered me great help in best ways of handling adults at different age categories. It is now easy to identify with their emotions and to know how well to help them cope with learning. Through this experience, I have realised that my own problems as a foreign student were not unique and that I have a lot to share in common with other foreigners that I shall encounter in the course of my career. I now have a burden to offer as much help as I can to make learning comfortable for foreigners. It made me feel even luckier that I could speak the language myself and made me realise that it was easier for me to adapt to my environment than those that cannot speak the language. Internship enriched me with methods of teaching that can be highly effective such as creating the right atmosphere for free teacher and student interaction and getting the students to give feedback on the way that they are fairing in their learning process. I learnt the essentiality of making the environment conducive for the students as it makes learning easier for them. Students can only learn successfully if several of these factors are pooled together. The internship was a good ground to put into practice what I had learnt from my course work.. Getting the chance to utilise my knowledge created a feeling of confidence in me as well as helped me to rectify and improve on areas that appeared weak. It is now possible for me to be able to come up with new ideas that can be applied in the ESL teaching program. This internship has surely given me the right exposure for my future career. Teaching at an ESL class is no longer a new encounter for me and I can affirm the fact that it is only through practice that one is able to assess whether you are ripe for a career. The challenges encountered in an ESL program set up are no longer strange to me. The internship has given me good experience in handling adults in a classroom set up and has helped to build confidence in me as an adult teacher. I believe this experience will assist me a great deal in planning and writing my thesis for the course that I am undertaking. Knowledge is only useful if it is put into practice. The internship offered me an opportunity to put into practice a lot of knowledge both academic and otherwise and gave me good direction on best ways of detecting, identifying and getting solutions to any challenges that may cross my path in the course of my career as an ESL teacher. By offering my own suggestions and contributing ideas on how teaching at ESL classes can be improved, my own personal growth in the career is advancing. I now have the confidence to handle adults in a learning environment and to be able to identify with their emotions, weaknesses, likes and dislikes and to handle such factors without interfering with the learning process. The students were taken out to become conversant with various aspects of the country. Supplementation of students’ knowledge on English by informally speaking with them aided their learning on the English language. On the other hand, not all objectives were achieved fully. There were several problems and challenges that made the achievement of these objectives difficult. The problems that were experienced included; volunteer delayed easy interaction with the students, and volunteers could not identify and understand concerns of all students fully. Though it took some time before they interacted easily with the students, they later managed to do it. There were few communication and organization problems that arose but were sorted out with time. It was also a bit difficult to develop lesson plans containing all relevant information for the course at one particular time. This experience assisted me to improve my conversation skills. This was due to the interaction with both the volunteers and the students. During this interaction conversations between me and then assisted me to gain fluency and correct grammar when conversing. The use of correct tenses, remarks and statements in order to pass the necessary language enabled me to identify their needs in their classes. Conclusion Internship has proved to be a very helpful undertaking and I would recommend it to anyone that wishes to develop and pursue a successful career. It offers a good opportunity to learn so much about the pros and cons of a job. From the experience that I have had at the internship, I believe that I have fewer challenges to face in my future career as an ESL teacher in Saudi Arabia. This is because the internship has prepared me on almost every aspect of human interaction is it personal, social or cultural that I need in my career. The exposure to people from different social backgrounds and different cultures will serve to help me adapt to new cultural backgrounds as it gives the right psychological preparation for such an encounter. The ESL class encounter will help me to adapt in a situation where I may find myself learning a new language. The whole experience was worth the time and effort. References Dolores, La Guardia. , Guth P. H. , (2000). American Voices. Culture and Community. Toronto, Mayfield Publishers.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Building construction for fire services

Steel is one of the important elements of construction industry because it is widely used in the construction of railways, roads and buildings. Steel provide numbers of advantage in the construction industry due to its special characteristics such as it is more stronger in respect to the wood, more eco-friendlily (because it is easily recyclable), not deteriorate, rot, warp, bed or twist, resistant to fire, hurricanes, tsunami and earthquakes, resistant to termites and insects, requires low weight interior walls and easily used in difficult building locations.As like other materials it has also some limitations such as it is, more expensive than wood and it requires skilled professional contractors for construction. Steel play a important role in fire fighting industry and also makes the job of fire fighter easier. Firefighter is trained person who save life, property, aid and assist during natural disaster. They used several equipments in their work for eg. Ladder trucks, pamper tru cks, fire house ad fire extinguishers which are all constructed of steel due to its light weight in handling and stronger than other metal, more durability.The well-coated steel pipes helps in continues flow of water and there by immediate control on fire. As steel provides number of advantages to fire fighters but it also creates hurdles in performing their task because it frequently react to environment and forms rust which result immediate linkage pipe and damage of pipe. Steel is very easily prone to fire because of its high melting point therefore; it is always advisable to use such material, which is in flammable to prevent smoke and damage or to limit the fire to small areas.Therefore, from above discussion, we can conclude that steel play a crucial role in the development of fire industry but it is affected by certain limitations. Therefore, it is advisable to use steel by acting appropriately then only it is most successful. The fire fighters should take appropriate steps t o successfully rescue their operation Reference: Referred to sites: 1. http://www. smart-homeowner. com/articles/9651/pros and cons of steel framing. 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Firefighter/Fire fighter dated 1st July 2007

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beers and Cutler Company

The Beers and Cutler Company provides accounting and consulting services for other organizations, institutions, or other clients that might require their services. (â€Å"Firm Profile,† 2008) The company primarily acts as an accounting firm, but other tasks and roles carried out by Beers and Cutler include tax and auditing, and even major business-related operations and processes such as strategic planning and consultancy for other business processes.(â€Å"Industry Profile: Accounting Services,† 2008) However, the latter aforementioned services provided by Beers and Cutler are only available in Washington, D. C. (Sarath, 2008) The company has been around since 1967 operating primarily for the real estate industry. However, the aim of Beers and Cutler company to expand and add value to the its reputation, image, and capabilities motivated it to venture into new fields and areas and implement a wider range of services that are highly beneficial to most organizations or i nstitutions.At the moment, Beers and Cutler is able to cover the needs and demands of various fields such as the â€Å"automotive, construction, hospitality, retail and technology† (Sarath, 2008) industries. To further its capabilities and advantages, Beers and Cutler have become a member of The Baker Tilly International which facilitates communication, networking, sharing or resources, and such between accounting firms and business organizations around the world. (Sarath, 2008)Beers and Cutler considers the fulfillment of various goals and objectives in diverse and multiple organizations as the company’s mission. The company aims to accomplish this mission by helping business organizations achieve their corporate goals and objectives by providing aforementioned services timely and efficiently. (â€Å"Firm & Profile,† 2008) Moreover, the employment of highly knowledgeable, skilled, and competent individuals is one of the company’s strategies in gaining co mpetitive advantage.Career opportunities made available by the company include job openings for students, fresh graduates, as well as experienced professionals. For students, the company is searching for individuals who might fit jobs under the fields of Assurance and Tax, and Consulting. (â€Å"College Recruiting,† 2008) For experienced professionals, Beers and Cutler is looking for individuals that might fulfill roles under the areas of Assurance and Tax, Consulting Practice, and Practice Administration and Support. (â€Å"Experienced Professionals,† 2008)For the good of its employees and members, Beers and Cutler offers reasonable salary packages and benefits. Reviewing available career opportunities that the company is offering, the salary packages that Beers and Cutler are offering range from $60,000 to $150,000 annually. However, as the total amount of the salary package increases, the number of needed individuals or employees decreases. For instance, the career opportunity that pays $150,000 a year only offers one single slot for the said position. (â€Å"Beers Cutler Jobs in Washington, D. C. ,† 2008)On the other hand, the benefits provided by the company to its employees are competitive enough, fostering full compensation for the contributions of its constituents. For instance, individuals who get hired for a position in the company are provided with the benefit of a four-week break or vacation from work, with payment. This generous package for employees is motivated by the company’s sensitivity to providing a well-balanced working environment for its members in order to foster creativity, productivity, and high quality work outputs. (â€Å"Microsoft Web Developers: BEERS and CUTLERS,† 2008)Basically, the marketing plan of Beers and Cutler follows the concept of direct-to-person marketing or personal contact with clients or consumers. The firm utilizes means or tools of marketing that communicate directly to end user s or individuals. Beers and Cutler utilize direct mailing systems to send informational messages to individuals, seminars to capture the attention of a large audience at the same time, and personal referrals or word of mouth. (â€Å"Industry Profile: Accounting Services,† 2008) References â€Å"Beers Cutler Jobs in Washington, D. C. † (2008).Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Indeed. Website: http://www. indeed. com/q-Beers-+-Cutler-l-Washington,-DC-jobs. html â€Å"College Recruiting. † (2008). Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Beers and Cutler PLLC. Website: http://www. beersandcutler. com/careers/college-recent-graduates/opportunities/ â€Å"Experienced Professionals. † (2008). Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Beers and Cutler PLLC. Website: http://www. beersandcutler. com/careers/experienced/opportunities/ â€Å"Firm Profile. † (2008). Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Beers and Cutler PLLC. Website: http://www.beersandcutler. com/firm/profile/ â€Å"Industry Profile: Accounting Services. † (2008). Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Hoover’s Inc. Website: http://premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/ind/fr/profile/basic. xhtml? ID=74 â€Å"Microsoft Web Developers: BEERS and CUTLERS. † (2008). Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Yahoo! Inc. Website: http://hotjobs. yahoo. com/job-J7ZN5I1Q0Y8? rec=2 Sarath, P. (2008). Beers and Cutler PLLC. Retrieved November 24, 2008, from Hoover’s Inc. Website: http://premium. hoovers. com/subscribe/co/factsheet. xhtml? ID=rysfhtfshyhhhyy

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mustang vs Camaro Essay

The Mustang and Camaro have been compared since the Camaro first came out in the late 1960’s. The Mustang was pretty much the only sports car that was also a muscle car. Well, of course Chevrolet had to compete with Ford so they came out with the Camaro. The release of the Mustang was followed closely by the release of the Camaro a few years later. There is no doubt about it that the team from Chevrolet had stolen a magnificent idea and plan. These two muscle cars began the path for a revolution in pony cars and racing. America fell in love with the Mustang and Camaro, which allowed Ford and Chevrolet to sell millions of them in just a few years. Ford has continuously been selling a large number of Mustangs ever since the beginning. Chevrolet had to stop their production of the Camaro. In 1961, the vice president and general manager of Ford, Lee Iacocca had a dream. He envisioned the Ford Mustang. It took several months to get approval for funding to go towards the Mustang through multiple discussions, meetings and market surveys. The funding was granted in 1962. The Mustang’s parts were mainly borrowed from the Falcon to help keep the costs of production low. The car offered a variety of options for the exterior, interior, etc. Buyers were able to choose if they wanted their mustang to be fast, fancy, economical or plain. Ford wanted the Mustang’s design to appeal to everyone and anyone. It was advertised as â€Å"the car to be designed by you†. The Camaro was based off of another Chevrolet car, the Nova. The Camaro had been designed to compete with Ford’s Mustang. Its code name was the Panther, before any information about the Camaro was ever leaked into the public. Chevrolet had wanted to keep their cars name’s beginning with the letter C. A few options for the Camaro had been Chevy II, Chevelle, Corvette, etc. Somehow they decided on Camaro, which a product manager of Chevrolet answered when asked what a Camaro is, he said â€Å"a small, vicious animal that eats Mustangs†. It was reported that General Motor researchers found in the French dictionary that Camaro was slang for friend or companion. Though is was rumored that the Ford Company had researched and discovered some other definitions to the word Camaro, such as â€Å"a shrimp-like creature† and an arcane for loose bowels. On March 9 of 1964, the first Mustang which was a white convertible with a v-8 engine came out of Dearborn Michigan. Then a month later the Ford Mustang came out in the world with its debut at the World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows, New York. The first Mustang that came out of the assembly line was in April of 1964. This first model of the Ford Mustang, which was the early 1965 or also known as the 1964  ½, was available as a convertible or coupe. It had a 170-cubic inch six cylinder engine with a three-speed floor shift transmission. A V8 engine was optional with a four-speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic with a cruise transmission. The day of the grand opening for the Mustang over twenty two thousand were sold. Within its first twelve months, Ford sold close to four hundred seventeen thousand Mustangs. In eighteen months, roughly a million Mustangs had been sold. It was a huge hit with America. The first Camaro came out in September of 1966 but was the 1967 model, as it is referred to as. When it was first available there were hardly any extra or special options for the car. That changed within the next following years and so forth. The Camaro offered a V6 or V8 engine in convertible or coupe. When the 1969 Camaro models were introduced, the car had improved greatly. A new power option was a Z28 package which had formally been known as the RPO Z28 Camaro Special Performance Package. The Z28 was one of the first special options and it was originally designed to compete in the Sports Car Club of America, which is a racing club. There are four generations to the Chevrolet Camaro. The first generation was from 1967 to 1969. That model was offered in a coupe or convertible with the option of a 4.1 L, 4.9 L, 5.0L, 5.4L and a 5.7L in a V8 engine. The second generation was from 1970 to 1981. Chevrolet changed the styling to a wider and larger vehicle which produced a heavier Camaro. The third generation was from 1982 to 1992. They were the first model of Camaros that offered fuel injection. The fourth generation was from 1993 to 2002. It held onto the same basic characteristics as the original; a couple or convertible, rear-wheel drive and the choice of a V6 or V8 engine. For thirty five years Chevrolet had been producing the popular Camaro. Chevrolet claimed that they stopped production of the Camaro due to plant overcapacity, slowing sales, and fading market for sports coupes. Just recently in 2009, Chevrolet released the 2010 Camaro. We will see how they do this time around. The Ford Mustang currently has five generations. With each generation Ford made sure to improve the horse power. The first generation was from 1964  ½ to 1973. The second generation was from 1974 to 1978. It was originally based off of the Ford Maverick but instead they used the Ford Pinto in the end. Because of the way the economy was going at the time, Ford needed to build a smaller and more fuel-efficient Mustang. Not only did they need to do this to appeal to customers still but to also to capture people’s eye as the Energy Crisis erupted. The third generation was from 1979 to 1993. This generation model was based off of the ‘Fox’ platform. It had originally been created for the 1978 Ford Fairmont and Mercury Zephyr. The interior of the third generation was meant to be more comfortable even though the back seats were smaller. The trunk was larger though, as well as the engine bay. This allowed the car to be easier to work on and service. The body styles were coupes, at the time was also referred to as a notchback, and a hatchback. A convertible was not available until 1983. The fourth generation is from 1994 to 2004. This generation underwent the most drastic redesign in over fifteen years. It had been code named SS-95 by Ford. It was also a more recent and updated version of the Fox platform. This new styled generation took several styles from the earlier Mustangs. A new twist was that it was the first time since 1973 that a hatchback coupe was not available. The V6 was a 3.8 engine for the models of 1994 and 1995. Unfortunately, Ford stopped using the 5.0L V8 for the GTs. The 5.0L had been used for around 40 years, it was a drastic change. But the 5.0L was used last on the 1994 and 1995 models. The new GT engine would be a 4.6L. For the 1999 to 2004 models the Mustang had a new edge styling theme for the body. It included sharper contours, creases in the bodywork and even larger wheel arches. The chassis and interior design remained the same was the previous model. And last but most definitely not least is the fifth generation which is the current generation from 2005 to present. At the 2004 North American International Auto Show, a new Mustang was introduced. It had been codenamed S-197. This new generation closely resembled the fastback Mustangs from the late 1960s. This new model was called as â€Å"retro-futurism† by Ford’s senior vice president of design. The V6 now had a 4.0L engine instead of a 3.8L engine. A brand new option that was first available for the 2009 Mustangs was a glass sun roof. The 2010 Mustang was unveiled by Ford before the Los Angeles International Auto Show. The 2010 Mustang mainly held the same look as the previous year’s model but with a modified exterior. Ford was looking for a leaner and muscular appearance for their 2010 Mustang. For the first time ever the Mustang had a reverse camera system to help drivers while backing up. Though, this feature is not available on basic V6’s. The 2011 Mustang should be out around the spring of 2010 and it is a very anticipated model. It will closely resemble the 2010 model, with perhaps some slight changes to the rear. It is hard to find information on the upcoming 2011 Mustang. One thing is for sure though, Ford is bringing back the 5.0L engine for it which excites many. Still to this day the Ford Mustang is running strong. The Mustang has even more varieties, variations and options. There is no other vehicle out there that has as many options as the Mustang does. So many different types branch off of the â€Å"Mustang†. Several examples are: Cobra, Shelby, Super Snake, Saleen, Mach 1, Fastback, California Special, Bullit, High Country Special, Boss, etc. They are never ending. There are so many differences and similarities between these two famous and popular pony cars. There is even so much more that a person can compare and contrast about Mustangs and Camaros. Not only because of the years, numerous changes, and that it is – after all – a car, but also because they have had a heated and natural rivalry since the very beginning. Oddly enough, it was rather difficult to find a lot of information and details on the Camaro, especially compared to the Mustang. The Mustang had numerous of information that was able to be found. And, remember the Mustang started it all in 1964, and has not stopped since!

Friday, September 13, 2019

INCLUSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

INCLUSION - Essay Example Inclusion is the complete recognition of all school children and clues to a sense of being in the right place within the school room community. Inclusion is an exertion to ensure students with debilities go to school alongside their friends and fellow citizens whereas also getting all that jazz, â€Å"particularly intended teaching and provision† they require to accomplish high principles and to prosper as students. Inclusion is not what we usually refer to as mainstreaming or integration. Mainstreaming challenges to move school children from special schooling classrooms to systematic education school rooms only in circumstances where they are capable to sustain their characteristically emergent peers minus specially planned lessons or support. Integration delivers only â€Å"part-time† inclusion, which stops the pupils from being full fellows of the schoolroom community. (Ainscow, 2000) Inclusive education takes along all students together in one schoolroom and communi ty, not withstanding their strong point or feebleness in any zone to strive to capitalize on the potential of all learners. Inclusion is an exertion to certify that assorted students – those with incapacities, unlike languages and ethos, dissimilar families and family lives, not the same happiness and customs of book learning are exposed to schooling strategies that touch them as separate apprentices. Inclusive schools ask instructors to make available apposite personalized provisions and facilities to all school children without the stigmatization that arises with separation. Instructors in inclusive teaching space show a discrepancy in their classes to add to learning for all schoolchildren. Inclusive Education all around the world follows several principles, like instructors should take more than a few changed methodologies to schooling the similar material so that material becomes more thought-provoking and perceptible to a bigger number of learners. Students who are full of pride of themselves and enthusiastic by the flora and fauna around them will be more empathetic and thoughtful people; the alike is factual for instructors. Educators should take a hands-on tactic to throw light on predetermined pigeon holes and avoid them from accelerating into predispositions and destructive preconceived notion. Students are upright judges of what is just, specifically when they are thrown with thought provoking questions. Teachers should talk to them about concerns of social justice and unfairness in terms of reasonable versus unreasonable, courteous versus discourteous. Inclusive schoolrooms use books and resources that mirror precise images of miscellaneous peoples and encounter typecasts. Instructors also create inquisitiveness and increase students’ vanishing point by lessons about others in an optimistic fashion. Students should have the prospect to learn from their nobles along with other ethos. Lastly, it is essential that the educationalists sh ould be flexible when using and acclimatizing lessons in the prospectuses, over and above in prearranged syllabuses on the whole. Numerous of the utmost teachable moments are unexpected and off-the-cuff. In an inclusive schoolroom, immobilized children get the chance to feel like the other kids who are not disable in any way. They are less

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Report - Essay Example Therefore, Daphnia and humans experience similar effects when exposed to specific toxic or chemical components (Grant, 2000). Daphnia magna is generally used by scientists because the species is fairly easy to care for and provides accurate investigation results for water quality and toxicity. Thus the assessment of the effect of different chemicals on Daphnia magna will give indications on the impacts of these chemicals on human body. The objective of this report is to determine and distinguish the effect of toxicity on the heartbeat by testing the effect on Daphnia magna. Hypothesis The interaction of foreign chemical components with the physiology of Daphnia magna affects its heart beats Non hypothesis The interaction of foreign chemical components with the physiology of Daphnia magna does not affect its heart beats Method:- As described in the practical handbook as well as time course events. Results Heartbeats of Daphnia magna after adding 3 chemicals and their combinations were recorded at different time intervals. The results have been tabulated in the table below Heartbeats min-1 Control A B C A+B B+C A+C Time 2 minutes 94 125 75 93 248 211 131 4 minutes 96 135 68 98 369 22 128 6 minutes 95 134 75 95 354 213 134 8 minutes 90 129 68 94 328 198 129 10 minutes 86 136 68 87 311 168 138 12 minutes 92 126 91 85 321 179 121 14 minutes 94 129 73 92 341 189 128 16 minutes 96 130 72 94 - 196 124 18 minutes 95 142 74 95 - 201 131 20 minutes 98 136 75 97 - 204 134 The following graph compares the changes in heart rates on addition of 3 chemicals and its combinations. Graph 1: Changes In Heart Rates On Addition of 3 Chemicals And Its Combinations. Additivity Graph 2: Comparison of the effect of A, B and the combination of A & B Graph 3: Comparison of the effect of C, B and the combination of C & B The graphs above compare the effect of chemicals in relation with the effect of their combination. Antagonism Graph 3: Comparison of the effect of C, B and the combination of C & B Discussion:- Graph 1: Heart rate count per 15 seconds Graph 1 indicates the effect on the heartbeat rate of Daphnia when exposed to chemical A, B and C and different combinations of A B and C. The graph results show that all the chemicals and their combinations. In comparison with the control, the combination of A and B had relatively higher impact on the heart rates. Chemical B individually reduced the heart rates of Daphnia. The combination of A and B and also the combination of B and C exhibited additivity. In both the combinations, the interaction of these chemicals was equivalent to the added impact of both the chemicals. In the case of the combination of A and C, A interacted with C to reduce the effect of C. This is a case of antagonism. This combination is of clinical relevance as one chemical reduces the impact of the other. Conclusion From the observations, it is evident that all the chemicals and its combinations cause interactions with heart functioning and aff ects heart rates at varied levels. All the combinations including the individual addition of chemical affected the heart rate of Daphnia. However, some of the effects were very less compared to others. Antagonic interaction was observed between the chemicals A and C. Additivity was observed between the chemicals A and B and also between B and C. Thus the hypothesis of the report is supported by the findings of the study.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Academic Freedom and Duty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Academic Freedom and Duty - Essay Example Knowledge should improve, with the coming of new ideas and facts every day. This freedom is important for the better good of education. Without this freedom, it would be difficult for the public to know the truth concerning concepts to enable them to improve their understanding of academic concepts (Nelson, 2010, p 2. L 20). The first freedom states that teachers have a right to conduct research in whatever area they desire to improve their performance when exercising academic duties. Research is a basic tool of learning through which scholars expand their knowledge and come up with related concepts. It is through research, that scholars could identify flaws, which could have been present in texts. Knowledge represents ideas that one researched and presented depending on the evidence and findings. There could have been flaws in the past that occurred due to the poor methods of research then. With modern technology in place, scholars can revisit the concepts with new hypothesis and ideas (Nelson, 2010, p 1, L 15). The second freedom is that the teachers have a right to discuss their own relevant ideas in class. With good research in place, the teachers could come up with ideas that relate to the topic in class. Such ideas could be absent in the course text, but still be a matter of importance for discussion in class. The teachers, however, should be keen not to introduce irrelevant material during lessons in class. In addition, controversial ideas should not come up during a discussion in classes. Topics relating to religion could be sensitive when discussed in classes. In as much as there is freedom of speech and academic freedom, religion, and such sensitive issues could result to complications that limit other people’s right,s (Krell, 2010, P 261, L 14).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Andragogy and Pedagogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Andragogy and Pedagogy - Essay Example In the pedagogical model, the teacher has full responsibility for making decisions about what will be learned, how it will be learned, when it will be learned, and if the material has been learned (Knowles, 1984). Pedagogy, or teacher-directed instruction as it is commonly known, places the student in a submissive role requiring obedience to the teacher's instructions. It is based on the assumption that learners need to know only what the teacher teaches them. The result is a teaching and learning situation that actively promotes dependency on the instructor (Knowles, 1984). Andragogy. A competing idea in terms of instructing adult learners, and one that gathered momentum within the past three decades, has been dubbed andragogy ("Individualizing" 2007). The growth and development of andragogy as an alternative model of instruction has helped to remedy this situation and improve the teaching of adults ("Individualizing" 2007). The differing models. Andragogy as a system of ideas, concepts, and approaches to adult learning was introduced to adult educators in the United States by Malcolm Knowles (1975, 1980, 1984). The pedagogical model is a content model concerned with the transmitting of information and skills. For example, the teacher decides in advance what knowledge or skill needs to be transmitted, arranges this body of content into logical units, selects the most efficient means for transmitting this content (lectures, readings, lab exercises, films, tapes, for example), and then develops a plan for presenting these units in some sequence (Knowles 1973). By contrast, the andragogical model is a process concerned with providing procedures and resources for helping learners acquire information and skills. In this model, the teacher (facilitator, change-agent, consultant) prepares a set of procedures for involving the learners in a process that includes (a) establishing a climate conducive to learning, (b) creating a mechanism for mutual planning, (c) diagnosing the needs of learning, (d) formulating program objectives (content) that will satisfy these needs, (e) designing a pattern of learning experiences, (f) conducting these learning experiences with suitable techniques and materials, and (g) evaluating the learning outcomes and re-diagnosing learning needs (Knowles 1973). In order to further distinguish between the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to design and operate adult educational programs, Knowles (1973) compared his andragogical model of human resource development with that used by most traditional educators, which he called a pedagogical model. The dissenters. Opponents to Knowles' concept preferred to view education as a single fundamental human process and felt that even though there were differences between children and adults, the learning activities of men and women were essentially the same as those of boys and girls. They rejected andragogy as an organizing principle in adult education and perceived it as a technique. Some of these were Houle (1972), London (1973) and Elias (1979) who questioned andragogy's theoretical status, general utility, and how it was different from

Monday, September 9, 2019

Europe in the Internation Economic Order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Europe in the Internation Economic Order - Essay Example The FDIs are constant and cheap sources of funds for the companies of a country and the Government is encouraged to allow the increase of the FDI for the development of the economy. It produces huge capital, which helps in the production of goods with the use of the modern technologies. The FDI influx is generally seen in most of the countries. However, the intensity is more in the less developed countries, as they are the ones in need of capital. With the entry of FDI, comes the vision of the management from the developed countries, which helps in the production procedure in the countries. This helps in the development of the economy of the countries. On the other hand, the companies of the developed nations are attracted to the FDIs because they get ample amount of benefits in the country where the investment is made. The companies want to extend the territory of the business and the best way to do it is by investing in the foreign companies. In this age of competition, it is of gr eat importance to capture the market and FDIs provide the companies the tool to do so. In the case of some of the FDIs, there is transfer of technologies, which helps the domestic companies. As stated earlier, the influx of the FDIs is the strongest in the less economically developed countries (LEDC). The LEDC provide the organizations of the developed countries a huge market and the Governments of these countries provide the necessary tools like the tax concessions to attract the FDIs. The Governments understand the need of capital formation in the country and they attract the investments. The FDIs are also seen in the more economically developed countries (MEDC). The paper will deal in the issues of the strategies of the LEDC and MEDC in attracting the FDIs. In the case of the MEDC, a European country will be taken. The benefits and the advantages of the policies of the Government will be evaluated in the case of the attraction of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

BUSINESS Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BUSINESS Report - Essay Example Also we can observe that the management has redesigned the job of the workers. The hierarchical structure has been diminished and the teams hold more responsibility. Eventually, this will create new challenges for the members of the team. The jobs of the workers are enriched. The jobs of the team members are halved so that they can concentrate on the development of the team. Every fortnight the team members talk for 45 minutes to solve problems and to gather new ideas. The responsibility of the workers has been increased and the role played by the workers is changed. From mere assembly line work the job now involves various tasks such as planning, organizing, leading and directing. b) The management of BMW has taken the approach to motivate the employees as mentioned in theory Z. Theory Z mentions the major postulates of Japanese management practices and how these practices can be adopted to the environment of other countries. The major features of this theory are building trust, strong bond between the organization and employees, employee involvement and no formal structure. According to this approach, trust is the first primary factor for motivation. Trust between the members of the organization at various levels has to be built through integrity and transparency. At BMW, the work teams have been very effective in building the relationships between the employees across the organization. Another major aspect that has to be noted in this approach is the employee involvement. Any decision affecting the production practices is being done by the team members which increases the motivation of the members. Also this increases the commitment of the employees and gives due recognition to their role. Under this approach the formal structures in an organization are no longer adopted. Here, at BMW, the work teams resolve the issued irrespective of the formal hierarchical structures. The major advantages of

The Four Prototypes of Community Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Four Prototypes of Community Justice - Essay Example The main goal of community justice is preventing community crime, community policing, defending the community, community prosecution and restorative court systems. The idea is formed around the notion that the community takes control of its policing activities in collaboration with the police system (Hayes & Bryant, 2002). This management of the community’s own public safety is essential because it gets everyone involved. This improves the flow of information to the authorities. The methodology that will be employed in this analysis will involve an in-depth analysis of books authored and online discussions on the prototypes. This analysis will look to summarize and evaluate the extent of these prototypes and their application in the practical community setting. The idea of community justice will also be evaluated in general, and its practicality analyzed. A study of books authored on this subject will provide an essential source of material in the analysis. The study is also mainly meant to analyze the four different prototypes of the community justice system and their overall effectiveness. Citizen involvement in activities of crime prevention has become a normal practice in many communities. This has led to collaboration with the police to achieve reduced criminal activity in the communities. Because the community structure has changed, the dynamics of the nature of crimes has also increased (Cadora et al., 2011). The community struggles to keep up with these changes. Mobilization is one of the ways of ensuring that the changes felt in the community are achieved. In the mobilization model, police look to act as leaders in the community and mobilize members of the community. This mobilization is done to individuals and also to business representatives, educational institutions, both local and state owned, social providers and the youth. These and other groups are mobilized

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Kidulthood Essay Example for Free

Kidulthood Essay Kidulthood is a realist drama set in West London, made in 2006. It shows stereotype with teenagers and gender. Stand By Me is a film about four young teens going on a adventure to find a dead body. This film was made in 1986 but was based in 1959. The four boys lice in a small town in America. The youth and gender representation of kidulthood is that, it represents girls as being sex toys and that they need the opposite sex. A character which shows this is Becky (Alisas best friend). She always sells her body to men so that she can get stuff which shows that women are born to do these stuff. For instance in the film she gives an older man a blowjob for drugs. This evidence also shows that she is a sex toy for men. In conclusion Becky represents her gender as being lower than men because of her actions. Sam is the main antagonists in the film. He is represented as someone who everyone fears inside school and he always goes for someone who is less dominant. He represents his youth by showing that teenagers being a bad citizen around there area and people are not safe around them. My evidence is that he led to two murders in the film, one was Katie because of his demeanour towards her which led her to suicide and at the end of the film he hits Trife in the belly with a baseball bat. He represents his gender as boys being stronger and dominant than girls because he threatened his girlfriend with a baseball bat and he pulled Alisas her towards the end of the film. Overall he represents his youth and gender as boys nature is to be violent and have rough demeanour to girls and other people in his community. Jay is part of Trifes crew and he often uses women in the film. Jay acts big during the film but is often described as someone who is all talk and no actions. This is shown in the film when he kisses Sams girlfriend and he tells her he is not scared of Sam. But when Sam confronts him, he let him take his Gameboy. Jay represents his youth as teenagers have early sex with each other and this was shown when he tried to seduce Claire at Sams house. Also him and his crew pushed Sams mum on the floor which shows that most teenagers dont have respect for people. Also he represents his gender throughout the film by using women showing that boys can treat women however they like without their opinion. In conclusion Jay represents his youth and gender by showing that teenagers have lack of respect and boys can do whatever they want with girls. Chris from Stand by me is from a family who are criminals and alcoholics and most people stereotype about him due to his background. He represents his youth as twelve years old boy who smokes and uses a gun, also he uses foul language most of the time throughout the film. My evidence is that in the beginning of the film him and teddy smoke in the tree house at a young age and he stole a gun from his dad. Also he swore at one of the characters during the end of the film. In conclusion Chris represents his youth as young people always are a bad influence and most youth are always doing these activities not matter what age they are. Maybe for the fact that Chris was bought up in a criminal family could suggest his actions outside which could infer that the representation of youth depends on their surroundings. Also the fact that in Stand By Me they are going on a adventure to find a dead body indicates that they are clueless to be very excited and interested in a dead body, it also shows their innocence for the fact that they live in a small town where nothing really happens. In the kidulthood poster we see Sam with a baseball bat and standing up showing that he is one of the main villains of film because his position in the poster is more apart from the other characters suggests that everybody is scared of him and the baseball bat shows it. But in Stand By Me the prop is the gun held by Gordie but it does not show danger because he is wearing a cap and a backpack that could indicate that this was used for self defence, rather than the baseball bat in the Kidulthood poster because Sam is wearing a hoodie and his facial expression shows he is proud to have this baseball bat in his hand or in other hand to show this prop was made to harm people. The reason why we dont get a impression that the gun in Stand By Me was made to harm is that the quotes on top of the poster shows their childhood and what they do in life which is talking about sweets and life. But it could also represent that they act much younger than their age to be talking about is really childish. Furthermore there was no girls in the film Stand By Me which could highlight that the female gender are much more responsible, mature and better gender than them because they would not get involved in dangerous activities like the four boys got into to. Becky however shows the total opposite of what Stand By Me infers, she represents her gender as male being the dominant sex because she used a man to get money. As you can notice in the Kidulthood poster that the characters have no emotions on their faces and the mid shot of the picture shows more of the background which is dark to emphasise that London is not a place you would want to stay in whereas the Stand By Me background is more bright and one of the characters are smiling. The position of Trife and Alisa show a more of a husband and wife pose to indicate their role during the film.